Understanding Q96 EmpowerPlus

What medical research has been done on EmpowerPlus Q96?
EmpowerPlusQ96 the most studied micronutrient in the world. It has been independently studied in 3 countries, has 20 medical journal publications with 14 being peer-reviewed. A phenomenal .85 effect size was reported. Read about the nutrient theory and specific EmpowerPlus Q96 research.

Does EmpowerPlus Q96 contain any drugs?

No, it contains only vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.
How could vitamins and minerals work where drugs have failed?
Many people end up using EmpowerPlusQ96 because drugs have not worked for them. Research has shown that people who have mental illnesses seem to need more of certain vitamins and trace minerals.  EmpowerPlusQ96 by giving the brain an optimized balance of vitamins and trace minerals on a regular basis. The hypothesis is that the nutrients go to the root cause of imbalances rather than just treating the symptoms.

Is EmpowerPlusQ96 safe to use?

The U.S. Institute of Medicine and Health Canada has published detailed information on safe levels of vitamins and minerals. Based on this information, the most serious risk of taking EmpowerPlusQ96 is minor, temporary gastrointestinal upset that could occur in a few people.

What's the difference between   EmpowerPlusQ96 and a regular multivitamin?

EmpowerplusQ96 a broad spectrum of vitamins and trace minerals that go through a rigorous four step process to makes them more easily utilized by the body. The nutrients are micronized and chelated so the body can digest them. They are then balanced in optimum ratios to facilitate absorption and high enough doses to be effective.

Why are the ratios of nutrients so important?

Deficiency of one nutrient can make you unable to absorb other nutrients properly, which leads to multiple, inter-related deficiencies. These deficiencies seem to disrupt the brain chemical function in people with disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, and anxiety.

How do you know it's not just a placebo effect?

Numerous studies on the placebo effect have shown that a placebo effect only lasts a short time. Then the effect disappears and symptoms return.  EmpowerPlus Q96 does not "stop working." Even the first EmpowerPlusQ96 who started in 1996 remain symptom-free and drug-free.

Are there any side effects?

EmpowerPlusQ96 produces very few side effects. Users may get a mild stomach upset, which can be minimized by taking with food and mid-meal. Few users have also identified mild headaches, which can be minimized by taking capsules/tablets with lots of water. People who are transitioning from medications may experience side effects from withdrawal from their medications; users should seek support from Micronutrient support or their prescribing practitioner for decreasing or stopping any medications.

Does it work for everyone?

EmpowerPlusQ96 has a very high success rate, but nothing promises 100% success for treating mental illness.

How do I know if EmpowerPlusQ96 for me?

Read about how we tailor programs based on your symptoms. If you still have questions, email QSciences support to discuss your individual circumstances. If you are on psychiatric medications, ask your doctor to call too. Then you can make an informed decision. EmpowerPlusQ96 has helped thousands of people take control of their symptoms, but it will not rebuild your life for you. It is very important to be ready to leave your illness behind and do the hard work of relearning how to live as a mentally well person. The first adult EmpowerPlusQ96 user ever, Autumn Stringam, writes a blog about this ‘second stage healing’ that many  EmpowerPlusQ96 are finding very helpful. Visit www.autumnstringam.com to learn more.

How do I know which products are for me?

The cornerstone product for all programs is EMpowerPlusQ96 as it lays the foundation of micronutrients in your system. After that, you may choose to use adjunct supplements to boost support in your particular areas of vulnerability. Read about specific supplements usually recommended for depression, bipolar, ADD/ADHD and anxiety or read about how programs can be personalized depending on your unique symptoms.

How soon will I see results?

No two people have exactly the same experience with starting EmpowerPlusQ96. Factors such as age, general health, medication use and lifestyle can all affect the speed of recovery. While some may have a more difficult time at the beginning than others, we have seen even very heavily medicated, sick people become well over time.

Transitioning From Psychiatric Medications  


Do medications interfere with EmpowerPlusQ96 ?

Yes, especially psychiatric medications. As your brain function improves, you can become increasingly over-medicated. Psychiatric medications should be gradually tapered off under the supervision of a doctor when using  EmpowerPlusQ96.

What should I expect when transitioning from medications?

As you build up the key nutrient balance in your body, medications can become an issue. Making the transition from psychiatric medications to EmpowerPlusQ96 be done with proper supervision. Please DO NOT adjust medications on your own as medication withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe. After the transition period, most of our users find that they enjoy the benefits of mental health without the side effects that they experienced on drugs.

I'm tired of drugs. Can't I just stop taking them now and switch to

In addition to your doctor and the QSciences Support team, we highly recommended that you enlist the help of a support person. This could be a counselor, therapist, family member or good friend who is willing to commit to helping you through the transition process, help monitor your symptoms and stay in regular contact with you and QSciences Support.