Looking for answers about how to maintain mental health and manage mental illness? Willing to be open minded? On this website you will find solid information about alternative products and what they can do for people. There are safer and proven options to psychotropic medications. EMPowerplusQ96 is not a drug. It is a nutritional supplement proven to assist in stress management to promote clarity, calmness and coping. Please take the time to review the research and information. It has been 17 years in the making.
Click here for a quick overview.
EMPowerplusQ96 has also been found to help many people both young and old with Autism Spectrum, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Rage, Addictions, and other emotional challenges.
QSciences is a company dedicated to the Science of Happiness through nutritional supplements and safe, effective and affordable nutritional products. QSciences is operational in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and is continuing to expand. Please take a look through all the information and get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Thank you.